Rebirthing Venus: Vishudda Chakra
Rebirthing Venus: Vishudda Chakra
Rebirthing Venus - Vishudda Chakra - The Gate of Communication
On the 28th of March 2022, Venus descends in her Morning Star phase at 21 degrees of Aquarius, from the Third Eye into the Throat Chakra energies - activating the leadership of our deepest and most truthful, integrated expressions of leadership and living in the Age of Aquarius. Here, Venus enters into The Gate of Communication, activating our passions and our truths in Divine Communication. It is with this activation of our throats and integration of our deepest spiritual truths that we can begin to speak into being a future, a New Earth, and become the leaders of this vision in our own journeys. Joins us in a ceremonial activation and exploration of the throat chakra - activating The Gate of Communication - through kriya, asana, mantra, meditation, and Rebirthing Breathwork - integrated with sound healing, chanting, and somatic practices to resource the depth of our own body, truths, and energies. This ceremony seeks to open The Gate of Communication and prepare the body for the month to follow, as Venus journeys through this energy. Please arrive on time, do not eat in the hours before the Rebirthing practice, and drink plenty of Water.