Rebirthing Venus: Ajna Chakra
Rebirthing Venus: Ajna Chakra
Rebirthing Venus - Ajna Chakra - The Gate of Perception
On the 27th of February 2022, Venus descends in her Morning Star phase at 24 degrees of Capricorn, from the Crown Chakra into the Third Eye - arriving and activating our Gate of Perception. This activation of the Third Eye holds gifts of vision and psychic ability for our deepest, emotional and sensual selves. This vision allows us to come into deeper alignment with that which is truly meant for us - our deepest and most aligned Divine Truth, and the Truth within all things. Join us in a ceremonial activation and exploration of the third eye chakra and these astrological and spiritual energies, where we will open our Gates of Perception through meditation, kriya, asana, somatic movement and Rebirthing Breathwork. After this deep and cleansing experience to rebirth and awaken the Third Eye and our physical being, we will enjoy the deep integration activations of mantra and sound healing, as we prepare and open ourselves for the month and energies to follow. Please arrive on time, do not eat in the hours before the Rebirthing practice, and drink plenty of Water.