Golden Lotus Transmissions
Golden Lotus Transmissions
✨The Golden Lotus work is based around a series of meditations, movement practices and transmissions which re-align your body and your cellular vibration, and attune your energetic, spiritual, somatic and physiological experience towards the reality of Divine Feminine Golden Light and healing. These audio recordings of the Golden Lotus transmissions and activations make up the core structure of the Level 1 opus; so I invite you to fast track and benefit from these meditations which stand alone beautifully, as well as inform and embed into the wider classes and body of work. These transmissions were channeled and structured to build upon one another in a specific order, however you may find one or another specifically draws or desires your attention. In order to receive the full upload of the body of work, I recommend working with these meditations sequentially, and then going in whatever order you desire or feel called towards afterwards - each time going deeper into the motions, the movements, the internal sensations. It can take as long as 6 months before women have a strong embodied sensation from the work, but when it occurs, you will know very clearly what the power of these transmissions and the Golden Lotus work is. I look forward to welcoming into the spiritual states that this beautiful female body holds.
Transmission 1 ✨Kidney ✨
Transmission 2 ✨Du Mai ✨
Transmission 3 ✨Liver ✨
Transmission 4 ✨Dai Mai ✨
Transmission 5 ✨Spleen ✨
Transmission 6 ✨Chong Mai ✨
Transmission 7 ✨Lung ✨
Transmission 8 ✨Ren Mai ✨
Transmission 9 ✨Heart ✨
Transmission 10 ✨Chong Mai & Cervix ✨
Payment ✨$55.00 for 10 transmissions ✨
✨Golden Lotus meditations are for women only ✨