Rebirthing Venus: The Shamans Gate
Rebirthing Venus: The Shamans Gate
Rebirthing Venus - Earth Star Chakra - Shamans Gate
On the 26th of August 2022, Venus arrives in the final stage of her descent period at 17 degrees in Leo. Here we find our conscious death and Rebirth culminating, a proud and energized shedding of all we found within, releasing now and our new form is forging the connection to the Earth and Mother Gaia as a living, Star Seeded Soulful Being. In this portal we consciously enter the process of Death to that which was before, and anchor in the fullest expression - the finality - of our journey of Rebirth. This period of conscious Death, of Death By Intent allows us to enter Venus's retrograde period as a time of rest, restoration, of revisiting, realigning, remembering, and rewriting all which was, for us to Emerge into a new cycle and a new life. This process of Death By Intent warrants a very specific process of Death and Rebirth Breathwork - which will be accompanied by ceremony, chanting, kriya, somatic integration and deep sound healing. Let's enter into the Shaman's Death - the willing transformation and shedding of the layers of that which we no longer need - a walk through the Fires of Venus in Leo, to emerge on the other side ready to ripen into our fullest expression of Being. Please arrive on time, do not eat in the hours before the Rebirthing practice, and drink plenty of Water.