Golden Lotus Photoshoot
Golden Lotus Group Photography
Thank you so much for taking part in generating a Golden Lotus photography shoot for our social media and marketing.
If you look at our social media handle @_Goldenlotus_ you will notice that there are very few images of our classes and circles. In the course of our classes and retreats we have been presented with a dichotomy of choice; the nature of our work is deep, intimate, and personal, and as such it simply isn’t conducive to photography and sharing - and yet for people to benefit from our work and partake, we need magical photoshoots which capture the magic.
The end decision has been to generate photoshoots to imitate a class setting outside of class time, through and with women who have taken our work and support our growth.
I have taken care to suggest playlists, meditations, and exercises for during the photoshoot so that the photoshoots reflect the Golden Lotus movements and transmissions - and ensure you have suggestions to generate a shoot which reflects Golden Lotus work and movements.
✨ Location ✨
The locations can be anywhere which correspond with our branding. Our favourite shoots take place in beautiful light filled locations such as white studios with sheers, or dunes/beaches during the “golden hour” - which is before sunset.
✨ Timing ✨
Usually golden hour is around 4:30 - 6:00 equatorially. Elsewhere it is one hour before sunset. During the day the white light is great for bright, fresh photoshoots (which are also welcome).
✨Settings/Props ✨
All women are asked to wear beige or white/light clothing. Ideally the clothing is either yoga wear, or light, airy clothing such as natural linen etc.
The photoshoot should always include images of women in circle - and therefore an altar in the middle of the circle is important. We like to include a variety of sizes of pillar candles and rose petals or flowers emanating out from the centre. This can be as elaborate or as stark and simple as you wish, but the sense of circle and sacred work is important.
✨Types of Imagery ✨
The images should also include a variety of close up and far off imagery - i.e. hands on the body, women hugging, speaking, their faces, beautiful jewellery on their hands or neck, and then far off images of all of the women together. It’s important we gather a variety of images - please resource the variety of imagery on our Instagram & website and also see below. During the shoot you will have a run sheet and suggestions to read from which will offer you a great selection of movements, meditations and motions to generate, thereby creating a dynamic and relevant shoot.
✨Sponsorship & Photo Credits ✨
If you would like to ask a local or otherwise brand to supply white clothing, yoga mats, sheepskins, jewellery for the shoot, etc. you are welcome to add them to your shoot.
We supply a template to add all participants/photographers names and SM handles, so you can offer them exposure and add these details to the documents and photos submitted via Dropbox.
You are also welcome to offer the brands (& influencers) access to the final photographs in exchange for their participation, so they get content in exchange for product, versus simply being tagged. Many brands appreciate new images and content creation, thus willingly offer their products for these purposes where they may be less likely to offer product for simply promotional purposes - especially from micro-influencers. Keep this in mind.
All photos are provided with the condition that the photographer and Golden Lotus is tagged and ideally photo credited in all posts We will ensure to tag all product providers & photographers on all posts - and do our best to tag all women as well.
✨Photography Payment & Specifications ✨
We do not pay models, influencers or brands to sponsor or work for us; we request women to take part in our shoots, and we pay photographers for their time (1.5 - 2 hours) and their editing. Please make it clear to the photographers that this is social media photography and not portrait photography. Therefore we request a minimum of 50 shots per shoot, and we request that they are edited (if possible) with a flat rate for a pre-set versus portrait photography editing. Most photographers are aware of social media shoot needs, and will understand that there is a minimum or around 35 (we prefer more) and that it isn’t possible to edit all of the shots. Please ensure they are aware of this specification before you request their time.
We don’t like to pay more than $300 - $350 usd max. (total - including editing) for our photographers, so please negotiate within that budget - the ideal range is $200 - $250.
Photographers will be credited on ALL uses of their images across the board. Women taking part will be tagged, and may re-post images but must always tag Golden Lotus. Sadly, due to poor results in the past we can no longer officially provide all of the women with the original photographs for re-posting as regularly the images are not credited to @_goldenlotus_.
Less officially it is common that if we see one or two shots of someone’s face or body which are quite beautiful and personal, we send these to the person ourselves. We do request that everyone credit’s us in our ownership of the photography, especially when sent as a gesture of honour and beauty.
✨Creative Director ✨
As the person reading this you will be a creative director of this shoot, coordinating the time, place, photographer, centre pieces, and women for the shoot (as well as hopefully in some of the photographs!). You will need to give a quotation of your time and energy (hours) in this process as well. Before quoting, please be mindful to include in your costs all of the altar items and elements of the shoot such as candles, location, permits, travel costs, etc.
✨Uses of Photography ✨
All of the photography will be used to advertise on our social media (Instagram and Facebook) as well as any interviews and PR we do in the future. We also use the photographs in our mailers and on our website.