GOlden Lotus photoshoot direction

✨The following meditation and image aids for are you to ensure you get accurate and telling images from the Golden Lotus shoot which are customised and unique to the Golden Lotus series itself. To keep the shoot to an hour, keep all meditations under 10 minutes. To keep the shoot to 1.5 hours feel free to go slower.✨


Opening meditation

Example of the Opening Meditation for the photoshoot. Moments to capture/images to capture: - Hands upon hands (up close and from a distance) - Hands over womb and hearts (up close and from a distance) - Women leaning forward to the Earth (giving reverence to the Earth)

✨The opening meditation gives all of the women an opportunity to connect with one another and drop into a deep space for the shoot where they can benefit from the practices, be captured in their essence and vulnerability, and become acquainted with the work. Below you will find a transcript, and above you will find an audio version of the opening meditation.
This will take about 10 - 15 mins of the shoot.

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- Hands upon hands (up close and from a distance) -
- Hands over womb and hearts (up close and from a distance) -
- Women leaning forward to the Earth (giving reverence to the Earth) -

Kidney & Du mai

The Du Mai and Kidney meditations include a variety of different motions on the ground. Please only do those movements if: you are INSIDE studios, have mats for the women outdoors, or are at the very end of the shoot, so women don’t mess up their outfits and their hair.

✨The Du Mai and Kidney Meditation series is a 10 - 15 minute flow which you can extract movements and meditations from:
1) The Du Mai Spinal Undulation
2) The "Closing of the Lotus” Movement (feminine sarvasana: right hand over right ear, left hand over vulva, fetal position on right hand side)
3) Rolling over into Child’s Pose
4) Coming up into Seiza/Japanese style & warming the hands, rubbing the lower back and kidneys
This will take about 10 - 15 mins of the shoot.

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- Hands upon sacrum and hips/over Kidneys -
- Women lying in “Closing the Lotus” -
- Child’s Pose/Seed Position -
- Women lying down, heads and feet all one way, doing the Du Mai meridian movement -

Liver & Dai Mai

Liver is all about focus, expansion, creativity, and rooting ourselves. The energy becomes quite powerful & primal through these motions, which can make it harder to shoot, so please pause, and lead gently to get the shots we need.

✨The Liver and Dai Mai Meditation series is a 10 - 15 minute flow which you can extract movements and meditations from:
1) Eye Gazing & Sisterhood Support (back to back)
2) The Liver Meditation; drawing light into the liver and feeling the liver
3) Dai Mai Activation; “warming” the belt vessel/hip and spinal flexions
4) The "Goddess Squat” (hands in prayer position and deep squat, reaching up to heaven, grounding through the big toes)
5) Chi Gung Liver Practice; bringing the hands to the Liver, and down to the vagina and feet.
6) Spiralling the Pearl Around the Dai Mai (Dragon Body)
This will take about 10 - 15 mins of the shoot.

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- Eye Gazing with hands on hearts -
- Back to back sitting, leaning into one another -
- Meditation in seiza with hands on Liver -
- Seiza moving energy backwards and forwards in the spinal flexion -
- Goddess Squat -

- Chi Gung stance with: hands towards/on the Liver / pushing down to the Earth -
- Hips moving in a circular motion -

Spleen & Chong Mai

A large part of the spleen meditation is quiet and internal, so we will focus on the only movement (hand on the throat, swallowing down) and do it very slowly to capture it, pausing in moments. We will then do the Nine Flowers Chong Mai meditation.

✨The Spleen and Chong Mai Meditation series is a 5-10 minute meditation flow which you can extract movements and meditations from:
1) The Spleen Meditation; drawing light into the lips & mouth, and swallowing saliva down, storing in the solar plexus.
2) The Chong Mai Nine Flowers
This will take about 5-10 mins of the shoot.

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- Holding the jaw, and infusing the saliva with golden energy -
- Swallowing & tracing down the throat very slowly -
- Hand on the solar plexus, storing energy here -

- The Nine Flowers; close ups and group shots of all of the motions -

Lung & Ren mai

✨The Lung and Ren Mai are quite still meditations, which are visually difficult to capture. Therefore, we will draw on other, more dynamic parts of the lung & ren mai sequences instead.

The Lung and Ren Mai Meditation series is a 5-10 minute meditation flow which you can extract movements and meditations from:
1) The Lung Meditation
2) Stretching the Lung Meridian
3) Opening the Lung channel and ribs
2) The Ren Mai Release
This will take about  5-10 mins of the shoot. 

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- All of the women holding out their arms to one side, with their thumb and forefinger pointing -
- Women in their chest opening poses -
- Hand on the solar plexus/ren mai, releasing the diaphragm -

Heart & chong mai

✨The Heart and Chong Mai exercises are quite still, succinct meditations. We will do the slowly, ideally setting them up so women are in sync.

The Heart & Chong Mai Meditation series is a 5-10 minute meditation flow which you can extract movements and meditations from:
1) The Heart Meditation
2) The Chong Mai/Cervix Clearing Meditation
This will take about  5-10 mins of the shoot. 

Ideal Moments & Photos/Images To Capture:
- All of the women rocking back and forth their with hands on their heart -
- Women moving around their abdomen, drawing energy and chi towards their cervix -

click below to download the text from this page & script for the day of the shoot.