Tao Tantra
During the 1990’s a series of women who had done Mantak Chia’s work decided to merge Goddess work with Taoist practices to make a genre of work which is now known as Tao Tantra. Although Golden Lotus is not Tao Tantra, and functions from a seperate set of beliefs and is born from a different lineage, we feel the best way to allow people to learn about their own path and weave their own golden future is to present all of the information. Therefore, somethings to know about these resources are; the majority of these women are responsible for popularising the use of the jade egg in the West. Their work focuses on the “feminine” as a polarity to the masculine, where Golden Lotus focuses on the “feminine” as the concept of Receptivity; something known by the name of “Yin Convergence”. It is when you have balanced your polarities, achieved a level of inner Union, and are therefore ready for a new form of receptivity, which is considered a more “feminine” way of being, but is not gender specific. Therefore, if you feel perhaps you are not ready for the Golden Lotus practices, or wish to explore more Goddess like, fluid, tantric practices for the traditional understanding of “feminine” as a polarity, these resources will be the most beautiful place to start; the more floral and feminine styles of writing in these works are very deep and nourishing.
Tao Tantra practitioners, Links & Resources
✨ Saida Desilet - The Emergence of the Sensual Woman - https://saidadesilets.com/
✨ Minke De Vos - Tao Tantric Arts for Women - http://www.taotantricarts.com/
✨ Shashi Solluna - https://www.shashisolluna.com/
✨Sofia Sundari - https://sofiasundari.com/
✨ Lilou Mace - The Yoni Egg: Reveal and Release the Sacred Feminine Within - https://www.liloumacetv.com/