DAYCATION ✨ 11 December 2021

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again, come, come.”

Welcome home Beautiful SISTERs

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
"Zhikr is a light whose origin is in the divine and whose purity draws the Sufi heart onward to the Beloved”
- Ruzbihan

You are invited,

If you hear the call, this is your invitation for a life changing daycation journey that allows you to remember why you came here.
A holy daycation to unveil the mysteries of your sacred femininity.

Embrace transformation through feminine embodiment, enveloped by mystical Sufi movement meditation & philosophy. We will immerse ourselves in the vibrational teachings of our spiritual origins, and reset and rewire our physical embodiment to receive the truth of our light, attuned to our Heart’s Divine Light.
Are you ready to explore Sufism, it’s philosophy in relationship to the role of women throughout the history of awakening, and the powers inherent in our femininity?

Are you ready to welcome your feminine essence in its totality? To forgive, to remember, to release, to draw in and call home the Reality of Beauty which lives within your Heart’s longing to marry with your Soul?

Are you ready to become a fervent seeker, spiritually activated? We cannot wait to usher each and every single one of you through this sacred portal of intimacy with Spirit. 

A$1,111.00 every week for 3 weeks

This program is retailed exclusively via SeekWell. Please click above to be redirected to the payment portal.

flow of Starlight

On December 11th we gather in the desert to greet the Sun, between Fajr & Ishraq - the Dawn and the Sunset. We open and reset our bodies, reconnect with our highest Soul’s Light, and rise with the Sun into this beautiful day. This call invites you in to a space where fire burns in initiation and release, where the desert calls the light of your Soul home from its origins, whispering into the Earth of your body - singing her true frequency. A space where light of the Saints bless us, celestial harmony consecrates, and we Birth and Rebirth anew.

”She witnesses joy arising in this moment, out of the first and the mist and the morning light. This is permission. This is irrevocable permission to go forward.”

Our journey begins with an opening ceremony, a descent through the light-body to arrive in the base of our Being, our Venus centre, our pelvis and womb. From here we begin to clear and cleanse our Beings and ascend thought the body, week by week, through fasting, cleansing, sacred medicine, chanting, breathwork, and movement, day by day and week by week preparing to arrive into our new Being and new frequency.

“Breathe in the aroma, the incense of its star codes, it’s subtle messages. Breath in the delicate and beautiful frequencies, the soft azure mist of it’s soul light. Feel yourself purify and brighten, their stems of ancient stardust, their messages filtering through…” 

We release from our journey holding the frequency of love, gratitude and Completion as new codes alchemise every piece of our lives with the liquid light of Stars. 


1:1 Soul Signature DNA Activation Reading with Kathi ✨

1:1 Venusian Temple Arts Bodywork: Pelvis & Yoni Activation with Eva Louise ✨

Weekly Portal Ceremony with Teachings, Additional Sacred Medicine, Personal Mantra Recitation, Meditation, and Movement Sequences or Kriyas ✨

21 Day Gut Clearing and Body Reset Program using Sacred Medicine of the Earth ✨

Weekly Zoom Connection Call for Support and Questions ✨

Telegram Group for Support, SisterHood & Breakthrough Celebrations ✨

4 Ceremonies ✨
4, 11, 17 & 26th November (7pm - 10pm)
These are held in person, co-facilitated, and include cacao and sacred medicine and celestial frequencies.
Our final ceremony will be a gathering which takes place in the desert.
Please note that this is an intimate container and we only have space for 11 women in this program.
For more information, please join our
Telegram Information Channel.


19:00 - 22:00

Crown Room at Just Be Holistic, Dubai, UAE ✨

19:00 Preparation, Orientation & Opening Ceremony ✨
Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony ✨
Introduction to our 22 Day Protocol ✨
First Connection to Sacred Medicine ✨
Initiation & Intention Setting Sequence:
Our descent through the chakras - clearing and grounding

You will receive a personal mantra, journaling prompts, movement sequences and additional resources - depending on the theme of the week - which will guide you through the week until the next gathering.

“Take me surrendered, fill me to spilling over, the roots of this endless sky”


19:00: Golden Milk Solar Awakening & Agni ✨
Solar Plexus & Inner Sun Work ✨
The Divine Masculine Manifestation & Healing Work ✨
Breath-work & Sound Mantra Journey for Integration ✨

“This is the mirror of the Stars, of Immortal Truth. We are asked to understand the Earth as part of this vast Dance, and to be her dreamers, to dream with her in this hour of transformation. We are asked to be sensitive: to listen and to breathe.”

19:00 - 22:00

19:00: Full Moon Starlight Integration & Heart Codes ✨
Heart Workshop & Cacao Ceremony ✨
Honouring the Mother, Father, and Divine Starchild Within ✨
Balancing the Frequencies of our Being through the Power of the Heart ✨

“Feel yourself purify and brighten, their stems of ancient stardust, their messages filtering through…”


19:00: Desert Gathering ✨Greeting our final dusk…
Cacao Ceremony with Dreaming Meditation ✨
Connection with our Higher Centres & Dreamstates ✨
Fire Ceremony ✨
Mantra Chanting and Dancing Beneath the Stars ✨
"This is the dance of our Universal innocence, the Golden Dawn within us."

Gathering and Ascending; Rising and Returning to our Divine SoulStar Light.



A$1,111.00 every week for 3 weeks

Please note that this is an intimate container and we only have space for 11 women in this program.
For more information, please join our
Telegram Information Channel.

Your Guides


Katharina Hillenberg is a spiritual teacher, ascension guide and cosmic soul contract channel. She uses her passion for Astrology, Human Design, Science and Psychology to reconnect the human with the soul, helping people all around the world to break out of their programming, societal and parental conditioning and the fear and limitations that makes them not actualize and live their greatest potential and deepest desires.

One of Kathis deepest desires is to guide humans back to their true essence, to reconnect them with their heart and soul, so they can feel and realize that earth actually is heaven, when we become the embodied bridge between the cosmos and the earth. Thats when we become limitless creators!

Eva Louise Williams

Eva Louise Williams is a passionate student of feminine sexual cultivation arts, sexual-somatic embodiment, and Kundalini Shakti Awakening through movement and yoga. She has over a decade and beyond 10,000 hours experience as a sexual bodyworker, facilitator, and healer. She recently completed her training to facilitate Sophia Circle journeys based in the work of Kaia Ra’s The Sophia Code; the embodiment of which is woven into the fabric of this journey. She founded Golden Lotus in 2017 with the aim to educated and share knowledge around the female body as a vessel and a Temple. Golden Lotus Yoga is a series of teachings which cultivate spiritual and sovereign embodiment. The focus lies in stabilising, purifying, and awakening through ancient techniques and spiritual secrets taught in a state of Holy full-body Prayer.

Additional Notes

This portal and protocol includes a gut clearing protocol. We also work with sacred herbal and plant allies and tonics which support the resetting, rewiring and activation process. In order to honour and respect these Earth given tools, we highly encourage participants to keep their diets and lifestyle as close to nature as possible during this sacred container. This means that during this program you are asked to commit to the following:

✨No Smoking
✨Limiting Excessive (or all) Alcohol Consumption

✨ No Drugs or other substances
✨Preferably a whole food diet, as unprocessed as possible
✨Limit the amount of caffeine and other stimulants ✨

If you have allergies or have to take prescription drugs or have other reasons that make it hard for you to stick to the above, please let us know!
Please note that this is an intimate container and we only have space for 11 women in this program.
For more information, please join our
Telegram Information Channel.