Stringing The Egg
There are a variety of ways to string your egg. The first obvious choice to make is stringing the egg at all - many eggs don’t even come with a drilled hole, which indicates that stringing an egg is not at all necessary. The string for the eggs was originally used for hanging various weights off, or doing resistance training without anything attached, by pulling on the string with your hand, and using your intra-vaginal and pelvic muscles to hold the egg internally - thereby building your muscles. Originally, as the egg was used for initially sensitising muscles and then building them (once a level of sensitivity and control had already been attained with gentle practices), the string was not for removing the egg, but rather for the aforementioned practices. Today, most people use the string similar to the string of a tampon - almost as a safety mechanism to ensure you can remove the egg if she gets stuck internally.
If you choose not to use a string, the technique to use is called the “egg laying breath” and it’s a form of bearing down with your breath to push the egg out; many people do this while squatting. Sometimes when the egg is working on your nervous system, internally, she will lodge in one or another of the reflex zones within the vaginal canal, and it can be very difficult to bear down and push her out; and yet the process of detoxification and awakening of this part of the body may sometimes generate headaches or a feeling similar to a juice fast - therefore you may feel you want and need to push the egg out, and yet you can’t in that moment. This is why many women choose to use a string for re-assurance. ✨
Stringing the Egg - Technique
In general, although you can find some eggs online with nylon fishing string attached, or even thick rope, the most hygienic way to string and clean your egg means re-stringing it each time you use it. As a result, one of the most effective techniques of stringing your egg is simply to buy floss (waxed or unwaxed - but certainly unflavoured!) and pull out about an arm’s length of floss. Fold this in half, and pass the fold through the hole of your egg, and pass the two loose ends through that. You will now have a string on your egg which is not knotted and is easy to remove, but firm for use with the egg. Some women then like to knot the two loose ends.
Other techniques include simply passing the floss through the hole, and tying a tight knot at the base of the egg. In general, I find the technique above to be more reliable and also quicker - and it also encourages and reminds you to not clean the string you use every time your egg, but remove and replace the string. If you’d like to see a video of how to string your egg, or research various techniques to choose which suits you best, you can find a plethora of various styles of stringing and even different ways eggs are drilled, on YouTube. The Golden Lotus egg you own is drilled across the small end - as that is the bottom-most part of the egg during internal use (when we insert the egg we do so with the largest/engraved end first).