goldeN Lotus 1:1 intimate sessions

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Initimate work, intra-vaginal work, internal work, or yoni massage refers to a type of bodywork which works specifically around the labia, the vulva, and inside the pelvis and vagina to circulate energy and promote wellbeing. Private sessions are 1:1 intimate explorations for your body, mind and soul. These sessions include intimate massage, speaking, therapy, holding and release. This time is invaluable for personal growth and working with deep issues. The results of these sessions range from emotional release, to deep pleasure and orgasmic sensations, combined with deep physical release of tensions in the tissues of the pelvis.

What to Expect In A Session
These sessions are deeply intimate and often erotic or emotional for women. Therefore we have written an email to allow you to fully prepare yourself for this sacred work and have a strong sense of your intentions, desires, prayers and purposes for this session, along side a safety and expectation around the flow of the session, the follow up work, and the self care aspects involved in this type of highly activating work. 

The session begins with visiting the questions you have previously filled out in order to keep the talking, thinking and preparation to a minimum. If anything has changed, arisen, or deepened since you wrote your initial email, we will revisit that as well. 

Shortly after you are invited to take a shower - so don't worry if you haven't had an opportunity before the session. 

After this verbal dropping in and shower, we will begin with setting those intentions through a connecting meditation and prayer for the heart, and breathing exercises. 

This is followed by a full body massage, to relax and release. During this time you will be guided to breathe if necessary, and simple be allowed to release. 

After this work on your back, you will be turned to your front where you will receive a breast massage, and the activation of your whole hormone system through a mixture of point work, nipple, ovary, and clitoral stimulation and breath work to carry the sensation. Once the hormone balance activity is complete, we will begin with a deeper, more penetrating intimate touch, addressing the three gates of orgasm; the clitoris, labia, and external vulva, and moving slowly into the g-spot and perineal sponge, and eventually a deep, relaxing penetration and stimulation of the cervix, which also houses a series of glands which can generate a very soft, warm energy through the body of total self acceptance and trust. 

After the session there will be some closing strokes and a grounding practice to bring energy across the hips, up to the breasts, hearts, and head. 

Finally, after a rest you will be free to shower once again in your own time, and dress, and then we will sit together with a cup of tea or water, and discuss anything which came up, sensations you wish to continue to explore verbally, and feedback you wish to give. 

The oil used will be a mixture of natural oils and cacao butter, or a rich, naturally pressed oil olive. Please let me know in advance if you have any allergies to oils, essential oils, skin products, or laundry detergents. During my treatments I do not use gloves as it diminishes sensitivity. If you have a preference for the use of gloves during your internal work, please specify this. 

As this work is highly activating, it's important to read the content on self regulation which is written below. All women are entitled to a free follow-up session in the days, weeks, or months after their experience to debrief, or if anything is arising from this session or activation which is presenting itself as difficult to manage and contextualise, or simply which you desire to share, or received guidance around.

A Note on Emotional Regulation and Activation
An intimate session is exactly that; intimate. The hope of any accomplished practitioner is that when you are with them you feel safe, warm, and held, and able to release emotions, and move through those corresponding physical blockages. 
However these sessions are not a mechanical adjustment - they are made to activate your sexual spiritual energy, meaning that it can move emotions and blockages related to traumas from your youth, or hidden traumas in your ancestral lineage. 

At times women will experience very little during a treatment, even blocking energy which will unwind in more comfortable settings in the days and weeks to come, and sometimes they will experience a great deal of release and relief, and sexual pleasure. Orgasm and climax is not uncommon, however it is not the sole aim of the treatment. The aim of the treatment is to move the sexual somatic and spiritual energy through the body to promote both health and awareness. Often the catalysing of this high energy can reveal emotions a few days, weeks, or months down the track, as your body re-aligns and releases to a more orgasmic state of being, and integrates the many layers of the treatment. 

It is not uncommon for women to feel very triggered when repressed traumas or sexual issues around sexual power and agency are released. Because of this, I offer a follow up call and it is also important that a level of self-responsibility is taken if extra work is needed from myself or another therapist.

One of the most common emotions which comes up when abuse is triggered is shame, and often the most difficult thing to overcome when triggered is the sense of shame which comes from being triggered at all, in the same way that a child or woman who has had sexual abuse feels ashamed to speak about the abuse. In this instance it's very important in the follow up call or the following integration period that if you are going through a sense of unwinding and shame, that you feel safe, secure and mature enough to be able to name what is going on; including the shame if necessary. Until the ability to name shame shamelessly happens, there will be no ability to come down from the triggered or activated state, unless the energy has found another way out, which can often be destructive. These are things to be aware of, and places where many women get caught in their psycho sexual development.