22 days of transformation ✨ 4 - 26 NOV 2021
11 women
“The force within that creates the entire universes - she lives in you. Reclaim your Venus Soulstar DNA, recall your Divine Inheritence, and release your sensual, celestial frequency through the Sacred Vessel of your Being.”
Welcome home Beautiful Starseeds
“I am she of a thousand stars…
I am The Star within the tree of life revealing the cosmic serpent of Sophia’s light… It is here that I increase my embodiment of living wisdom by allowing what is arising to inform my ever-present now…”
- Keycode 3, The Sophia Code pg 122
You are invited, Starseed, child of the great mother, bringer of a new paradigm, leading us into the Aquarian Age. The transformation of our society, of human nature and the consciousness of Gaia is inevitable.
You chose to be here during these intense and challenging times for a reason.
It is time to REMEMBER.
It is time to come HOME to your TRUTH.
If you hear the call, this is your invitation for a life changing 22 day journey that allows you to remember why you came here. We will immerse ourselves in the vibrational teachings of our spiritual origins, and reset and rewire our physical embodiment to receive the truth of our light, attuned to our Venus SoulStar. For 22 days the vibrational energies of the Moon & Venus will reveal their spiritual secrets, re-weaving our spiritual, emotional, energetic and physical sovereignty.
We will reconnect to sacred plants to rewrite our stories, break free from limitations and programming and rewrite our starlight and cellular DNA. You will experience what it feels like to be ONE with nature - including your own Source-given nature.
This beautiful culmination will be invited into our cells, our skin, through our eyes, and breath. This healing reset and protocol will allow your light-body to be rewoven; it will ground into your cells and your Soul, and it will allow you to expand, relax, release, and receive the transmission of your own Venus Soulstar Frequency fully, while also unlocking the dormant power of your feminine essence, to create, connect and Rise!
We cannot wait to usher each and every single one of you through this sacred portal of intimacy with Spirit.
RESET, Reconnect, and Rise
For more information, please join our Telegram Information Channel.
Please note that this is an intimate container and we only have space for 11 women in this program.
flow of Starlight
On November the 4th we begin a 22 day protocol to reset our bodies, reconnect with our highest Soul’s Light, and rise through the chakras to ascend into the frequency of the SoulStar. This call invites you in to a space where fire burns in initiation and the branches of your lungs whispers the secrets of DMT, the Earth of your body sings with her true frequency, where Waters bless us with celestial harmony and consecrate us into and through Births and Rebirths...
Our journey begins with an opening ceremony, a descent through the light-body to arrive in the base of our Being, our Venus centre, our pelvis and womb. From here we begin to clear and cleanse our Beings and ascend thought the body, week by week, through fasting, cleansing, sacred medicine, chanting, breathwork, and movement, day by day and week by week preparing to arrive into our new Being and new frequency.
“Breathe in the aroma, the incense of its star codes, it’s subtle messages. Breath in the delicate and beautiful frequencies, the soft azure mist of it’s soul light. Feel yourself purify and brighten, their stems of ancient stardust, their messages filtering through…”
We gather weekly in person, in ceremony, to usher in new codes and energies and move through the clearing and remembering of our Soulstar frequency. We nourish and deepen into the heartbeat of Mother, the Father, and the Starchild within. In our final ceremony, held in the warmth of the desert sands, we Rise, ascending a new, amongst star and fire light, into a freedom of Being through ceremony.
We release from our journey holding the frequency of love, gratitude and Completion as new codes alchemise every piece of our lives with the liquid light of Stars.
”She witnesses joy arising in this moment, out of the first and the mist and the morning light. This is permission. This is irrevocable permission to go forward.”
1:1 Soul Signature DNA Activation Reading with Kathi ✨
1:1 Venusian Temple Arts Bodywork: Pelvis & Yoni Activation with Eva Louise ✨
Weekly Portal Ceremony with Teachings, Additional Sacred Medicine, Personal Mantra Recitation, Meditation, and Movement Sequences or Kriyas ✨
21 Day Gut Clearing and Body Reset Program using Sacred Medicine of the Earth ✨
Weekly Zoom Connection Call for Support and Questions ✨
Telegram Group for Support, SisterHood & Breakthrough Celebrations ✨
4 Ceremonies ✨
4, 11, 17 & 26th November (7pm - 10pm)
These are held in person, co-facilitated, and include cacao and sacred medicine and celestial frequencies.
Our final ceremony will be a gathering which takes place in the desert.
Please note that this is an intimate container and we only have space for 11 women in this program.
For more information, please join our Telegram Information Channel.