Spleen & Chong Mai Channels
✨The Spleen As A Vibratory Centre ✨
The Spleen is our connection to our centre, our Self, our Mother, and our Earth. This is a complex, but perfectly related and relatable pattern when seen in the entirety of our physiological, energetic and spiritual cosmology. The Spleen is the mid-point in Level 1 of our course, in our body, and in the cosmological cycle of Chinese 5 Element theory. The Spleen governs the centre of our body - our solar plexus, and as such is a way-shower for the adage “as above, so below” because it represents the balance or the meeting points of this principle within our body and our Self. The original maxim from the laws of Hermetic philosophy state: “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” ✨Hermes Trismegistus ✨
This law states that which exists on one plane is always mirrored on others - just how resonance behaves in music, when if a note is played in one pitch, that same note will resonate and sing on other frequencies. Indeed this law of vibrational resonance is an important part of the teaching of the Spleen’s wisdom and our self-realisation, both somatically and energetically.
✨The Spleen & The Mother ✨
In Chinese Medicine the Spleen is the Earth element - which represents food, and nourishment, and as such, the Spleen rules our lips, mouth, stomach, pancreas, spleen, and our whole digestive track. The Spleen also rules the lymphatic system, touch, and our grounded sense of Self - which is determined by our first experience with our Mother. Our first experiences of Self and receptivity are defined when we are a baby - and as a blank canvas, we model the way we embody and inhabit ourselves physically and emotionally via our Mother. We understand embodiment through presence and touch, and we learn how to receive nourishment (on all levels) through breastfeeding & our Mother’s milk. Our connection to touch and breastfeeding when little defines our unconscious relationship to receiving love and nourishment for the rest of our life - until we choose to, or work to, redefine and reclaim this. Our experience of breastfeeding - whether it was sweet, bitter, sour, loving, easy, hard, pleasurable or painful, determines unconsciously how safe we feel in that process of receiving nourishment for the rest of our lives - and therefore how safe we feel being embodied and contained in our skin and our physical body - our Earth element. During this Spleen module we seek to correct some of the initial patterns, somatically, related to sucking, to nervousness, anxiety, worry and pensiveness which develop and manifest in the Solar Plexus when we don’t feel we can receive nourishment easily, and we look at inversing this process so that we feel supported from Mother Earth below (in the pelvis), as well as from our Self Mothering principle above (in the jaw and mouth). These simple exercises can heal and release enormous tensions related to Mother wounding - and can help release anxiety based issues which easily manifest when both the Kidneys and the Spleen (solar plexus) fear for their survival, or their basic needs to be met.
✨The Spleen & Immunology ✨
If our first experiences of receiving involve us needing to effort, work, or struggle, it impacts how we contains our energy, and if we energetically feel the need to leave our body for our needs to be met, and to receive. This sense of energetic containment has a bearing on our lymphatic system similarly ruled by the Spleen. The lymphatic system's capacity and function is also defined by the quality of touch received as a baby. This initial sense of "holding", containment and care from the Mother defines also our somatic sense of "Self" and being in this body, on this Earth, and in our skin. The lymphatic system has a strong connection to the breastfeeding stage, as breastfeeding activates the cranial and sacral pumps through relaxed, sucking motions of the jaw which affect the back of the head - and these pumps in turn activate our lymphatic flow. Other than a few, mostly subtle, pumps in our body, the lymphatic system is a passive system, with no valves like the Heart, and so the movement of our lymphatic fluid is influenced by how our skin tone evolves - which is dependent on how we receive touch as a baby. The immune system and the grounding sense of Self develop simultaneously - vitally informed by our “Earthing” process when little. How strongly the Spleen system develops informs the borders between Self and “other” on all levels from the emotional, psychological, and even the pathogenic - including internal, auto-immune issues. In many traditional cultures babies are wrapped or bound, or constantly given touch and holding by one or another member of the family or community - this is to ensure their spirit learns to stay in their body, because this binding and touch let’s us understand ourselves, our limits, the boundaries of our body, and inside our skin.
“There is one star that all of humanity have in common. It is the Incarnational star that determines our incarnation into the physical plane. This star sits within the golden area of the body – just above the navel and a little way inside. It is at the point of the first cell. Within that first cell is all of the potential for the whole of the being we are yet to be.”
✨ Aura Soma ✨