Kidney & Du Mai Channels
✨Du Mai Practice - Spinal Undulation ✨
We spend the first part of the course embodying and understanding the first sequence in the Golden Lotus work; the Du Mai movement. This is a very simple movement of spinal undulation which opens a series of points within the spine. Each of the points is one state and station of energy in the beautiful “Sea of Marrow” - or Du Mai meridian. When practiced as a fluid motion, this begins an orgasmic orbit which later - provided we keep this undulation of the spine moving - leads to orgasmic states of full body pleasure. This movement opens and releases the spinal channel - the Sea of Marrow. This means the upward breath and movement of the spine has a bearing on the marrow of the body, including the lymphocytes and blood creation. This is some of the deepest healing we can give our body, and in creating this pumping action of the sacrum, energy and breath, we invite regeneration of the endocrine system, the nervous system, as well as the marrow and bones. So in tandem with the Kidneys, here we are speaking to the deepest levels of the body - when inviting energy into the Du Mai.
✨ The Du Mai, Governing Channel or Sea of Marrow ✨
This channel we open is the most yang channel of the body - the Du Mai, or Governing Channel which can help us integrate and re-structure our body and nervous system. It also helps us integrate after overly emotive states or large activations of energy, cultivating the drying fire of the body to ground the Yin and nourish the blood with spiritual energy and light. In addition it aids our practice by helping to relinquish all of our thoughts and control, and replacing that with limbic system (lower brain) activation, stimulation and integration. This first practices is one to come back to again and again. It teaches us how to safely draw fire from the ovaries and activation and heat, anger and emotions into the body and form honey - to come back to our own sovereignty and beauty, and to keep our spine open for more and more sensation and integration. Once we are done with each of the points we have opened, you will notice we open a golden light in the pineal or third eye point, and we gaze into the heart and thyroid, and spill into the thymus and the heart with loving radiant light. We blossom here, and bring this down the body, and we draw light up the thighs, the pelvic bowl, and into the light in our chest. It is only once we have felt the energy of this cycle, and made contact with the golden light of the marrow and the lymphatic system that we can and should move onto to opening and engaging in the rest of our practice.
✨Foundations and Higher States of Energy Concentration ✨
If I were to say that this one movement is the single most powerful practice in the Level 1 of Golden Lotus, it would not be a lie. There are so many levels of orgasmic light and spiritual sensation which can be made from this integration of movement, so much deep breath, relaxation and restoration, that this movement cannot be overlooked. This motion’s comfortable execution marks the start of all major practice later, including multi orgasmic bodily states, and achieving high stages of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gate orgasm cycles, as well as advanced practices of internal throat orgasm, breast, heart orgasm, and brain orgasm, and working with recycling the menstrual energy. It also teaches us how to hold high levels of energy without over heating our body, irregularly stopping our menstrual cycle, or becoming explosive, angry, activated and unregulated, etc. This “honey cycle” of blossoming flowers in the spine is the beginning of all of the body of beauty this work offers.
Remember to enjoy it, to feel it beautifully, to feel sensual and Goddess like in your movements, to feel juicy, and most of all, to feel all of the beauty of you.
✨A woman's hips are intoxicating. A woman in her Shakti flow can't help but sway and undulate as she moves. It's natural. It's beautiful. But so many of us got conditioned to hide our femininity, to walk like men, straight and linear, stay focused and just get from point A to point B. Try it out. Saunter. Allow your hips and belly, center of feminine power, to move as She will.✨
✨Lisa Schrader✨