moontime practice
Moontime is a word used to describe the bleeding phase of a women’s menstrual (or moon) cycle. There are many different educators teaching various methods and ways to work with the jade egg today, so it’s important to feel into what is really true for you, in your own body. Many resources you will find say that there is no advantage to working with the egg during your menstrual cycle, or not to do it at all. Other resources say it is okay - ultimately the conversation is similar to the conversation about having intercourse during your menstrual cycle; it’s a personal preference and there are reasons that different things feel good or bad for different people. Below you will find some of the way we contextualise working with the egg during your bleed at Golden Lotus, which may help you make well guided decisions for your own practice.
Naturally, every women has a different relationship to her moontime. For some women this is a time of great pain and pressure, or others a time of increased psychic awareness, dreaming, detoxification and relaxation. Therefore, the best advice which can be given is that it is important to listen to your own body and make decisions which are deeply in tune with your own physiology. From a very practical point of view, a prolonged jade egg practice during your bleed can be difficult for a variety of reasons. Bleeding generates a lubrication which means that the egg will slip out far more easily than usual, so if you choose to do a practice, rather than walking around or doing moving practices, choose to do a meditative or self pleasuring practice while lying down on your back, or sleep with the egg in. In addition, the egg generates an anchoring of the pelvic floor, and an activation of the musculature of the womb. During moontime, if you use the egg, you may find sometimes that you feel a little bit tender or almost bruised afterwards in your ovaries and cervix, as the musculature is already contracting and working during your bleed. Each month, as women, we collect experiences, energies, and emotions and we store these in the uterus as well, and when we bleed, we release and renew all that we have gathered. If you have been doing intensive work during your cycle, or had a very emotional experience, or held groups of women or workshops, you may find that your bleed is subsequently heavier or more sluggish that month; in this instance wearing the egg intermittently during the first two days can be very helpful to move the energy downwards and clear the uterus. This is also true if you suffer from conditions of excess in the uterus such as PCOS, or endometriosis - however be mindful and discerning with this. If you have strong internal muscles and/or a strong jade egg practice you will likely have already discovered if you are a yes or a no to a moontime practice; it can be the most pleasurable time of your practice, or it can be a time you strictly rest.
a full moon practice
You may find that during the time you are engaging with Golden Lotus and the jade egg practices, the Temple work, or any retreat work or 1:1 sessions that your menstrual cycle will shift to a Full Moon. Sometimes this happens with a full body orgasm, and a spontaneous bleeding; sometimes it happens with “bleeding the lineage” - where you will experience an activation and bleed beyond the regular length of your usual menstrual cycle, sometimes up to the next New Moon. This is a clearing from the deep pelvic space, which allows us to process and release traumas from our ancestral matriarchal lineages, and thereafter changes the menstrual cycle completely. You may experience a very heavy, intense bleed, followed by a Full Moon cycle which is fresh and pleasurable in nature. If you are menopausal, you may experience a release and/or “relapse” into menses for just one bleed - which has been described as “collecting something left behind” in the experience of woman to wise-woman. All of these things have become expected with the body of Golden Lotus work - and they are nothing to fear. If you experience any of these symptoms you are welcome always to seek out the aid of our head practitioner or our team of practitioners via email, via a free consultation, or to seek the advice of your medical professional - gynaecologist or otherwise. It should be noted that these side effects are not caused by the egg itself, but by the energetic and spiritual transmission of the body of Golden Lotus work, and most have been reported in instances where the egg was not used at all.
contraindications & benefits (IUD)
As mentioned above, you can find practitioners who will guide you to not use your jade egg during your menstrual cycle as it stresses the pelvic bowl, and the menstrual cycle is a time for relaxation and release. Other sources site that the jade egg generates an upward energy which is counter to the downward flow of the menstrual cycle - and therefore suggest to not use the egg as it stresses the cervix somewhat. How everybody’s energy body works is similar, however our physiological constellations are all different, and as mentioned, for some the egg may be of benefit in reducing pain, while for others it may generate fatigue, or even an increased menstrual flow which could be accompanied by dizziness. Even beyond this, some OB GYN’s have gone as far to say that the egg can be related to toxic shock syndrome - both during and outside of the bleeding period. This is categorically unfounded information as are the majority of claims made by OB GYNS who oppose jade egg practices. Your choice to use your egg, and the choice to use it during your menstrual cycle, is only that; your choice, based on your body’s feedback. It is not an unsafe decision, nor is it one which should belong to anyone else. These pages are here to inform your own system of integrity and to provide information for you to generate your own system of belief based on your personal, physiological experience, and your own trust in your bodies wisdom and your Heart’s intelligent.
IUD: In regards to using the egg with the IUD, be mindful that an IUD such as a copper coil sits inside of the cervix and uterus, and the jade egg generate movement and simulation which can range (depending on your sensitivity and your neuromuscular system) from micro-muscular to strong pulsing contractions - which can, as a result, shift the placement of an IUD or awaken your body’s instinctual desire to rid itself of foreign materials. Therefore, it’s very important to check in with your body energetically (by placing the egg over your pubic bone) and discern the strength of your system’s connection to the egg and with these practices, and make wise decisions about whether or not this feels gentle and safe for you to engage in while you continue to wear an IUD. Most women do not experience issues - however you are not most women - you are you, therefore use discernment and feeling. Many women who have no issues during their practice eventually develop a sensitivity within their body whereby they are unable to maintain a device internally without discomfort - or have hormones interrupting their body’s natural rhythm without a feeling of being “off balance” - so there are multiple ways in which this practice can affect whether or not the positioning of your device and your relationship to it shifts.