Golden Lotus 200hr Yoga teacher training

may 22nd - june 14th 2022

✨This 200 hour yoga teacher training is about developing your own unique feminine sovereignty and inner spiritual leadership. Golden Lotus focuses on yin-centered alignment of the pelvis, the spine, and the breath. It is from this space that asana arises, as a natural expression of movement and stillness within our being.

This 22 day yoga retreat & immersion builds on ceremony and devotional prayer to the Goddess within. It is a place to immerse in the sovereign space of your body - learning how to extend and expand your Inner gnosis, embodiment and peace, eventually to guide in the Golden Lotus way. This yoga training works by deepening your understanding as a facilitator through embodiment - it is an experiential immersion of the genesis of your own mystery.

“Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.” - Rumi✨

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“To embark on this training is to acknowledge and to encourage your deepest wisdom; to support the sacred practices of your path, and to integrate these into the sophisticated leadership which lies at the heart of your own Sovereign Divinity. This practitioner training encourages creativity and confidence, it enhances intuition and individuality, and it expands spiritual sisterhood, self acceptance, and a deep trust in your own embodied knowing & experience.” 
Eva Louise Williams, Founder.


The word Yoga takes its root from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to join, to yoke together, to unify – to unite into one integral whole. In yoga, the union is between the individual soul and our Divine Reality. The word Asana in the context of the Yoga Sutras is found in the phrase “Sthira Sukham Asanam”. In Sanskrit, sthira means “strong”, whilst sukha means “at ease”. This Golden Lotus Yoga Teacher Training focuses on finding our inner structures of stability, arising from our pelvis and spine, while exploring in depth what it means to breathe, yield, and surrender into ease.

Through surrendering, trusting and yielding, organic ease of movement arises from within. The existence of this movement reveals the timeless transcendent quality present in all Beings.

Golden Lotus merges ancient yogic tradition and modern somatic awareness practice and theory to inspire states of sensual and spiritual experience. During this training we will explore a variety of different tantric & yogic lineages, honouring the traditions and practices which Golden Lotus Yoga resources.

Our 200hr training is based on a deep understanding of the inner transmissions from some of the oldest schools of Jnana & Raja Yoga. In this training - while asana is a large part of our daily practice - our focus is deepening into the body in order to ground and silence the mind, and experience the alchemy within. We invite the direct experience of our own Holy Nature through our embodied expression.

We will explore the Holy Science (practices and scriptures) of Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Sivananda Yoga & Tantric Hatha Yoga to give the true focus of yoga a voice from many lenses with just one Aim; the inner states required for embracing deep Spiritual Union with the One, the Self.

Golden Lotus, like all yoga, is a Holy Science.

It is a focused system of spiritual development following set principles and steps aimed towards awakening and inner Union through embodiment and physiological, emotional, spiritual alignment. Our system focuses specifically on the female form, and the Yogic and embodied feminine arts which assist in hormonal balancing, blissful awakening, and Self realisation of one’s own innate and Sovereign Divinity.

This training is written specifically for female physiology.

Overview of the retreat

When you arrive in Marrakech you will receive our bespoke gift-bag which will cater to your needs on this retreat. We will honour your arrival with an afternoon tea Orientation, a starlit dinner and a beautiful Initiation Ceremony.

Every day 3 nourishing vegan meals will be served between learning modules such as energetic & subtle anatomy, yogic philosophy, professional skills, anatomy & physiology, and other grounding activities which assist in your personal and professional practice. Balance, in this training, means giving ample time our body and mind - together - integrating somatic shifts and embodying as we deepen into our immersion. This program is not designed to be an intensive where content is simply given, for you to integrate at a later date. This is an immersion into the state of embodied presence where integration is experienced simultaneous to learning, feeling, and Being in the moment.

We will focus the merging of your spiritual and sensual self through the ancient Awakening Science of Yoga, which can and will deepen your connection to the Divine, your power inside, and your mystery within. We will explore how our embryology, fluid body, nervous system, organs and anatomy informs sensation, alignment, and movement. Throughout the training in general, and in our final days in specific, assessments will be made to assist and review your integration and professional development. By the end of the training you will receive a Yoga Alliance Approved 200hr Yoga Teacher Certificate* and your Golden Lotus Certification.


6:30 - 8:00 : Golden Lotus Sunrise Yoga

8:00 - 9:30 : Breakfast

9:30 - 11:30 : Yogic History & Science

12:30 - 13:30 : Chakra & Energetic Anatomy

13:30 - 15:00 : Lunch

15:00 - 16:00 : Professional Essentials of Yoga Teaching

17:00 - 19:00 : Anatomy & Physiology - Experiential Somatic Learning

19:00 - 20:30 : Dinner

20:30 - 10:00 : Golden Lotus Yin Yoga, Sound Baths, or Celestial Ceremony

10:00 : Silent Time & Sleep


yOur teachers

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Eva Louise Williams is a passionate student of Kundalini & Sivananda yoga, somatic embodiment and osteopathy. She has a decade and over 10,000 hours experience as a healer and teacher. She founded Golden Lotus in 2017 with the aim to educated and share knowledge around the female body as a vessel and Temple. Golden Lotus was founded to both serve and lead female seekers towards awakening and remembering Self love & trust. Golden Lotus Yoga is a series of teachings which cultivate spiritual and sovereign embodiment. The focus lies in stabilising, purifying, and awakening through ancient techniques and spiritual secrets taught in a state of Holy full-body Prayer.
@evalouisewilliams // @_goldenlotus_



Elly Brown has been involved in awakening practices for over 10 years, practicing yoga and adopting a vegan lifestyle over 9 years ago when she moved to Bali to follow her dreams of cultivating a balanced, natural, and organic lifestyle. She has since launched her dream brand SALT, which focuses on self-care and self-love products with natural ingredients which care for the Earth. Elly has been trained in traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga, and has been practicing and working with Golden Lotus since inception as company manager and assistant Teacher. Her loving heart, deep integrity, and genuine care for all life and true sisterhood is palpable through her bright and nurturing presence. // @ellychic


retreat centre
Riad Be, Marrakech

Riad Be places us in the middle of old Marrakech. We will have 3 Riads, a yoga studio, and the whole space to ourselves as we deepen into the embodiment science of Being Awake and Alive. Three meals and tea are catered for daily from an all-Vegan menu. There is a hammam, a pool, and multiple spaces for silence, contemplation, reading, and prayer within the Riad complex, in addition to being just steps away from the centre of bustling Marrakech with its rich culture, souqs, mosques, gardens and Medinas. There will give plenty of time and opportunity for your Morocco experience to come to life over the 22 days we spend together - or for you to feel completely immersed and secluded, if that is your preference.

The costs of the retreat includes all accomodation and meals - which will be luscious, local, all vegan meals. Special catering needs can also be met.

The Riad Be has 3 riad and Flow Yoga Studio. This is the complex we will spend the majority of our time in for the 22 days of our training.

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The rooms are beautiful decorated with chic traditional Morocco styles, textures, and colours.

In free time you are welcome to walk around the Souk, or immerse yourself at the on-site hammam.


May 22nd - June 14th 2022

Upon arrival in Morocco, we start with a ceremonial initiation of your path of inner spiritual leadership and we begin the art of holding space, making space for transformation, and the Golden Lotus way of facilitation. Our training is divided into seven layers; each is a 3 day journey.

22 - 24 May - Orientation & Initiation
Golden Lotus Yoga: How We Work
The History of Yoga
The 4 Paths of Yoga
Ashtanga: The 8 Limbs
The 7 Bhumikas
The 3 Gunas
The Vayus
The 8 Chakras & The Golden Centres
The Radiance Sutras, The Holy Science, & The Bhagavad Gita
Self Care, Self Love & Self Regulation: In Depth with the Yamas & Niyamas

25 - 27 May - Kidney & Du Mai: The Moon Cools
Kriya Yoga & Kundalini Principles of Pranayama
Spinal Breathing: Finding The True Breath
Sushumna, Ida & Pingala
Muladhara, Svadhishthana & Kundalini Shakti
Savasana, Balasana, Yoga Nidra & Nervous System Rest
Energetic & Physical Anatomy of The Spine: Embryology

28 - 30 May - Liver & Dai Mai: The Soul Awakens
Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Principles of Transitions
The Deer & It’s Scent
The Swan of So Hum

Standing & Balancing Postures: Standing Still and Moving Through - Boundaries & Direction
Energetic & Physical Anatomy of The Muscles, Sinews & Fascia: Biomechanics of The Soul
Dharma: Emotional Integrity & Accountability
Sacred Sexuality & The Seat of the Soul

31 May - 2 June - Spleen & Chong Mai: The Sun is Also A Star
Sivananda Principles of Sequencing & Sivasana
The Gateways of Spiritual Experience: Understanding Glands
Energetic & Physical Anatomy of The Lymphatic, Endocrine System, & Digestive System
Digesting & Receiving Experiences: Explorations of Early Development
Manipura & The Solar Plexus: As Above, So Below
Golden Centres: Incarnational Star & The 9 Flowers

3 - 5 June - Lung & Ren Mai: The Breath Cultivates The Fire

Vijnana Principles of Discernment & Inner Union
The Inner Vayus: Prana & Vyana
The Mechanics of Exchange; Transmutation & Purification
Energetic & Physical Anatomy of The Lungs, Ribs & Integumentary: Active & Passive Actions of Expansion
Flight, Flight, Freeze or Breath: Trauma Response & The Vagus Nerve
Grounding the Breath: The Role of the Upper Chakras in Relationship to the Lower
Golden Chakras: The High Heart, The Breasts

6 - 8 June - Heart & Chong Mai: The Spiritual Fire Within

Bhakti Yoga: The Chemicals of Love
The Heart Knows: Spirituality & Heart Intelligence

Energetic & Physical Anatomy of the Heart: Embryology, Neurology & Mythology
Traditional Tantra: The Heart Penetrates: Lessons of Tantric Polarity
Golden Chakras: The Hrit Chakra & The Cervix
The Heart Speaks: Channeling Your Voice

9 June - Desert Sands
Bija, Mantra, and Vibration
A Daylong Immersion into the Sahara to study Vibration, Sound & Silence

10 - 13 June: Yogic Conduct: Professionalism & Business Ethics
Summative Assessments & Practicum
Ethics & Responsibility of a Golden Lotus Yoga Teacher
Scope of Practice of a 200hr Golden Lotus Yoga Teacher
Professional Insurance & Registering with Yoga Alliance
Marketing & Maintaining Professional Profiles

14 June: Breakfast & Departure


You will be required, in accordance with Yoga Alliance & Golden Lotus’s certification process to pass a series of formative and summative assessments including a practical application of teaching a class during your training - and you will also have 3 x 1:1 sessions with your teachers. There are small aspects of evaluation all throughout the training so there is no need to stress about a “final exam”. Teaching and learning to facilitate is a process which is dependent on consistent practice.

This certification of 200hr Golden Lotus Yoga Teacher will allow you to teach Golden Lotus yoga classes in yoga studios or as individual classes online. You will be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as a certified 200hr yoga teacher.*

When combined with the Priestess Training and The Jade Egg training along with the additional requirements of mentoring, it will allow you to teach a 5 week series as a stand alone offering of The Golden Lotus Temple (Lv 1).

There are no pre-requisites for this training - however all applicants must pay their deposit in order to begin the application process, and complete an interview for the training.
The training is limited to 22 participants.

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” - Rumi ✨

apply for the training

The process begins with making your deposit or paying in full for your training. From there an application is sent via email and an interview with our team is scheduled. Once accepted into the training, you will begin your journey towards Sacred and Holy Self.

May 22nd ✨ June 14th 2022

Marrakech, Morocco✨Riad BE, Marrakech

$6600 ✨Shared Room
$7600 ✨Single Room
Deposit: $1600

Early Bird Special Offer: 12 Month Payment Plan
Sign up before
1 June 2021 & make a $600 deposit
Receive a 12 month payment plan for a Shared or Single Room
$500 per month ✨Shared Room
$585 per month ✨Single Room

Payment Plans Available
6 Month Shared Room ✨6 x $880
6 Month Single Room ✨6 x $1080
3 Month Shared Room ✨3 x $1750
3 Month Single Room ✨3 x $2100
Payment plans begin after Deposit of $1600

Golden Lotus YTT Morocco 2022

Placing a deposit will secure your place and is non-refundable. If the trip is cancelled due to insufficient participants, you will receive a full refund of this deposit. Final confirmation of retreat will be announced on 1st January of 2022. For Payment Plans; pay deposit & await confirmation email. The final payments of all plans/the retreat balance due must be received 6 weeks prior to departure except in cases of the Early Bird program. Cancellation fees for booking: 90 days, 25% of the cost of the trip is forfeited; 60 days, 50%; 30 days, 100% of cost.
* Golden Lotus Yoga School is pending application & certification at this stage of early 2021.

Testimonials for Golden Lotus

”The Golden Lotus is beautifully presented and most importantly deep and wide in wisdom. Being guided through this course by Eva with all her knowing, her love, her devotion, her power and her humour helped me to move a step further in my spiritual journey. The moves and transmissions are the key I needed to start a deeper connection to my body and its divine wisdom. I am in awe about all the connections in the body and grateful to now have some tools to support its´ healing. Eva, thank you so much for your work, this opportunity and the sisterhood we shared during this time.” - Eva Meininger

"Eva has incredible knowledge. I have never come across someone with knowledge like this, when it comes to the human body and spirit. She can simplify so many spiritual and mystical concepts led by her intuition.” - Nietje Janssen

”The studies and science in the program was fantastic, but when I look back I never think of this retreat like a study group. Things felt guided in a safe way. It was more like remembering, and coming home." - Carina Lui

"There is something very special about the Golden Lotus content. It’s not easy to describe because there is so much there. There is wisdom, the spiritual awakening and the physiological transformation. I’m not sure there is a name for this - however in one moment during Temple the words ‘mystery school’ were said in circle, and I felt this work had achieved it, or maybe surpassed it. I’ve never been part of something like this before, and I will do it again." - Kris Longhem

"I had no idea I would come away with so much insight and so many tools. I have been working with the jade egg and teaching yoga for almost 6 years, and never encountered something like this; maybe I really didn’t understand the body or the jade egg at all on some levels, and she drew this work to me for deeper insight. It’s strange that this work is hidden, but I’m grateful to have experienced the community and intimacy of this gathering." - Kirsty Grawlitz


Do you need more information, or have questions about the payment plans, retreat content, your medical history, or anything else?
Fill in this form to contact us.