GOlden Lotus practitioner retreat
Peacock Pavilions, MarRakech, Morocco ✨ November 25 - 30, 2019
Welcome Beautiful practitioners in training…
This online portal holds all of the logistical or organisational content you will need to know for our November 25th - 30th Practitioner Morocco retreat. It is at this retreat where we will immerse ourselves in the vibrational teachings and finalise our spiritual embodiment of the work of Golden Lotus. For a full 5 days the finalisation of your Practitioner Training will be soaking through us like honey - and weaving the sovereignty and sisterhood of this beautiful 6 month culmination of work into our cells, our skin, through our eyes, and breath. This final moment of deep teaching will allow your body to be rewoven; it will ground all of our teaching into the practical elements of your birth as a practitioner and teacher, and it will allow you to expand, relax, release, and receive this transmission fully into your Being. I cannot wait to usher each and every single one of you through this final graduation portal in this sacred olive grove, held by Moroccan sands. ✨
Myself and Elly - our head Priestess and manager - will be arriving in Morocco on the 23rd of November 2019. This means we will arrive in Marrakech 2 days prior to the commencement of the retreat. Should you encounter any difficulties or issues during your travels, please contact us via WhatsAp. If you arrive early and would like to meet with us or check in, please let us know - however bear in mind we will be quite busy preparing the space for everyone, so we can’t guarantee we will be able to meet prior to the 25th of November.
Everyone’s number is accessible through the WhatsAp group. There is a Google Doc provided by the retreat centre which has all of the dietary requirements, etc. to fill out, including your arrival details and departures.
You can fill it in here.