Golden Yoni Retreat
Brave Earth, Costa Rica ✨ july 28 - 31 2021
The Universe will always bring us the next portal of metamorphosis for which we are prepared.
There is perfection in this.”
Welcome home Beautiful sisters & dreamers
“I am she of a thousand stars…
I am The Star within the tree of life revealing the cosmic serpent of Sophia’s light. I release all judgements and understanding about the nature of reality so that my innocence may guide me to the womb of no-thing. It is here that I increase my embodiment of living wisdom by allowing what is arising to inform my ever-present now, for the liberation of all beings. ”
- Keycode 3, The Sophia Code pg 122
At this retreat where we will immerse ourselves in the vibrational teachings of our spiritual-sexual embodiment through the work of Golden Lotus. For a full 3 days the vibrational energies of the womb and the whole pelvic bowl and their spiritual secrets will be soaking through us like honey - and weaving the sovereignty and sisterhood of this beautiful culmination into our cells, our skin, through our eyes, and breath. This deep teaching will allow your body to be rewoven; it will ground into your body and being, and it will allow you to expand, relax, release, and receive the transmission of your own Soul fully. We cannot wait to usher each and every single one of you through this sacred portal of intimacy in the sacred space of Brave Earth, Costa Rica.
“She is dreaming with the Earth, she is dreaming with others, she is a Universal Dreamweaver who has remembered the song of the stars pouring through her blood.”
flow of prayerful intention woven
Welcome to our Story, our Precious Weaving,
The call invites you in to a space where fire burns in initiation and the winds blow whispers towards the trees, the great Earth rises up and the tree boroughs sing, where the Waters bless us with harmonies and consecrate us into and through Births and Rebirths...
Our journey begins with a pilgrimage to a forested sanctuary… flying high, winding roads, we arrive to settle in our shelter for our bodies and souls in over the duration of the story yet untold. This is where we begin the dance with the expanse of our Hearts; releasing fear and grief and as we inspire, listen, dance and dream. We witness the branches of our own celestial trees unfold. We sleep under star pierced skies, and make prayers for honey-light to bless our bones.
”We are asked to remember for ourselves who we are and surrender the demons of fear and grief which distort the mirror of grief. This is the mirror of the Stars, of Immortal Truth. We are asked to understand the Earth as part of this vast Dance, and to be her dreamers, to dream with her in this hour of transformation. We are asked to be sensitive: to listen and to breathe.”
We awaken anew to the golden dawn of our Earth and Being. Moving through breathing in and releasing, we widen ourselves to the mystery, through breath, through mist, through Waterfalls pouring through our lives, and purifying that which we no longer need. We are Air, breath, Spirit. We sing, steam, sweat and purge away the generations of shields build to protect the vulnerability of Being, and find ourselves opening. Trustingly, we listen to the song lines of time-space, the pilgrimage from our ancestors until today, as we sing through the wombs of our body, the history of our Being, and enter the womb of the Earth in Temescal ceremony... only to be brought home through the song of the celestial bowls as we integrate in a sound bath of silence, before the curtain of dreams pulls us to sleep…
“Breathe in the aroma, the incense of its star codes, it’s subtle messages. Breath in the delicate and beautiful frequencies” the soft azure mist of it’s soul light. Feel yourself purify and brighten, their stems of ancient stardust, their messages filtering through…”
We bath in warm Golden rivers at sunrise, as we sing in the dawn with the jungle herself, awaken as she awakens. We nourish and deepen into the heartbeat of Mother Earths roots and Beings, through our plant ally the cacao beans. Deepening through the medicine, silence bare footsteps to the orchards, we commune. Through our womb and heart pulse, a gathering in gratitude of this great medicine...
We listen deep to the heart pulse of Mother Earth; her Golden core spilling golden warmth into the marrow and healings us down to our very bones, we retreat into silence as we pilgrimage to a flower strewn water ceremony in the healing springs of the mountain rivers. Finally, held in the warm Waters of her womb, we are born again, a new, amongst candles lost in starlight; a forested beginning, a freedom of Being, an innocence and purity of believing... in these charged Waters, we are swimming in moonlight, ancient memory and ceremony.
Finally we release from our journey; gratitude and completion as we weave a new the codes of our journey alchemising every piece of our old lives they touch through the moving liquid light of truth.
”She witnesses joy arising in this moment, out of the first and the mist and the morning light. This is permission. This is irrevocable permission to go forward.”
May your body sing alive and your cells call this song in;
May the great Grandmother Spirit call you on towards home.
May the heartbeat of all Beings live and breath with you,
Tender Heart Beater, Breath-keeper,
Blessing Fire Golden One.
May the Circle be Closed and yet Unbroken.