cOnnect to The Egg

The level of care, ritual and respect you give to your egg reflects the level of care you give to your practice and your own sexual sovereignty. There are many ways to connect to your egg, and in this module we outline just a few of the different ways you can maintain sovereign relationship to your egg both during the times you are practicing with her internally, and also with the journey of the egg even during times your body is a “no” to inserting the egg internally. Cultivating a practice with the egg means respecting the lessons that this tool stands for as well. A carpenter or an acupuncturist does not use all of their tools at any one time - and often will not use special tools at all during everyday projects or sessions - however their tools are for special use, and are kept as a reminder of their path. Honoured instruments, and sacred objects on our path such as the jade egg become precious, charged items which store our energy, represent our desires, and keep our path towards feminine sovereignty, spiritual awakening, truth, and love alive even during times of non-practice. If you have chosen to buy an egg, even if you have never used it yet, you are still in relationship with that object and it’s meaning in your life. This module is about respecting this intimate connection to Self via this sacred object.

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Sleeping with & meditating with the egg

One common practice to maintain a strong connection to your intentions and the initiation your Soul has undertaken simply by purchasing or receiving/attracting the gift an egg, is to sleep with the egg. You can sleep with the egg under your pillow - and be mindful to take note of any dreams you have. Alternately, as a ritual before sleep, you can choose to hold her against your Heart or over your womb before bed. The jade has energetic qualities, as well as an ancient morphic field, and can generate strong desires, arousal, or other transmissions of wisdom through her presence. Where you place your egg also has a bearing on how any active transmissions may affect you. Many women choose to keep their egg a private matter, and keep it in a private draw as a sacred item. Other women place it upon their nightstand with a candle or even upon their altar to charge and manifest. Once you have established a strong connection with your egg it is easy to know when to wear her, when to hold her, and when to allow space for your body and your energy field to integrate or be where you are. One beautiful initial practice to deeply generate a sense of intimacy with your jade egg is to do your practices before bed, and then sleep with her internally. This allows your pelvis and your own sensual intelligence to understand and integrate the sensations of the egg, and slowly builds the sensitivity which is necessary in order to move to advanced practices of the jade egg.

Understanding your desire  

Either afterwards or before your preparation practices and breast massage, it is wise to deeply tune in to your body with the egg. One recommendation is to place the egg near your Heart or in your lap as you do your breast massage. When you have finished the massaging, you can hold the egg to your womb (just above the public bone) to see if you have a yes from your body - or you can place it against the opening of the vaginal canal. When your body has a yes, the egg will easily be taken inside… if you feel there is no specific “yes” or “no” it is wise to continue labial massage, or nipple stimulation until it is clear what you body would like from your connection to the egg. It is beautiful to place the egg at the base of your body while you gently massage your labia, and see if you feel a pull towards the egg, or place it on your Heart while stimulating your nipples. This is also a beautiful way to warm the egg before inserting. Hastiness and impatience is a quality which shows up a lot with jade egg practices, and these qualities can affect us greatly on our spiritual journey. Hastiness and impatience affect the heart - which is reflected by the cervix in these internal jade egg practices - and unecessary pushing towards an expectation or “goal” with a tool such as the egg can result in a build up of energy inside the vaginal canal, or even eventual disruption of the cells on the surface of the cervix with prolonged bypassing of your inner truth, and inner voice. Don’t forget that if you have a “no” from your body for using the egg, that is also part of your practice, and the moment you took to engage with your jade egg practice gave you this opportunity to affirm your body’s inner voice, and needs.

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