Business Structures, Contracts & Events
This portal is all about the business structure of Golden Lotus which we went over in person, in conversation, during Morocco. Here you will find a larger PDF file to download which will outline all of the business structure in writing, and you will also find your contracts here, ready to be signed. You will also find here information about events set up. ✨
The business structure
Business Incorporation
The first original Golden Lotus DXB was incorporated and launched in Dubai. As Golden Lotus has a hidden vibration/transmission from Sufism, the work is always well suited to the Gulf and MENA/desert regions as the indigenous women have an innate understanding of the premise of the work from a vibrational place. I imagine this would also hold true for other deserts such as Australia, etc. however the predominant experiences of this reception have been witnessed in the Gulf, Middle East, & North Africa regions. The current Golden Lotus (2020) is registered in Australia, for online business purposes. In the UAE (United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is just one) and MENA regions, there are limitations around receiving payment online as these economies prefer to contain their currencies, and thus online payment can be difficult. Many credit cards from these regions are unable to make international payments; bear this in mind when working in Saudi, Egypt, Dubai, and the surrounding areas such as Jordan, etc. We will extend the business incorporate in time to a base in all major continents.
- Europe (UK or Paris)
- United States of America
- Dubai/Saudi (Gulf or MENA base)
- Australia/New Zealand (we are already incorporated here but we will likely change the structure of incorporation)
This doesn’t hold immediately relevance for our Practitioners at current but in the future may have the capacity to hire and grant contracts and visas in various places which can have a positive affected on livelihood, especially for those who have passports from places which make international travel without a work visa a difficult situation.
Business Employment Structure
For each of these regions/headquarters, there will be 4 main head employees in the structure for the first years. These people will be immediately conferring with the practitioners in their region so you will likely come to know these teams very well, if not elevating yourself to become part of them.
Manager: Full-time position, the head resource in your region who will manage the co-ordination of the HQ team, and management of the regional practitioners.
Events Person: This person will manage all of the events coming in, as well as offer events opportunities which will advance the Golden Lotus brand. They will ensure that people are aware of festivals in their regions and that we are represented well so that the brand and works continues to grow, and therefore practitioners are continuously sought out for healing sessions and classes.
PR Media Person: This role will be part time and will work closely with the social media and events teams, ensuring that media is generated and opportunities for interviews, advertising, and other press and digital release related marketing and promotion is occurring.
Shipping & Handling: This role will be part time, and this person will also be responsible for both mixing and packaging the herbs, wrapping the eggs, assembling product boxes, stickers, quality control and generally assembly, and ensure the orders are logged and shipped in each region respectively.
At current the operation is simply not big enough to justify all of that - so the initial structure is one Headquarter (Australia incorporation) with one manager (Elly) who does all of the shipping and handling, and helps to manage events.
Documentation and Integration
Every regional HQ will have a spreadsheets which are region specific but the same format. The tabs comprise of Shipping & Product sheets which track orders, wholesale, and consignments. PR & Media lists of freelance media and photography people, digital & media advertising, and contacts. Events lists document notable events and festivals, as well as venues and retreat centres for the region in the event that a practitioner is looking for an opportunity or a new centre.
All of the roles and information above is to give you a sense of how the overall structure of the business functions. All of these Headquarter positions differ from your roles and contracts as a Practitioner. A Practitioner is an independent agent with a contract which says you understand the limitations of your use for the Intellectual Property of Golden Lotus, that you understand how the booking system works, the commission structures functions, and the requires which you must meet as a practitioner and the requirements which we must meet as a Company, etc. The majority of these structures are outlined within your Contracts (see below), as well as parts below.
Practitioner Information
Wholesale Eggs
For your classes you may want to include the jade egg, or make the jade eggs and jade egg portals available for women for purchase. Whether including the egg in the cost of your class or making the egg available or women, your option is to wholesale the eggs from us. The minimum order for wholesale is 10 eggs at $35 usd per egg + shipping. You can sell them for the rate we sell them which is $70 & $15 shipping - so you can sell them for $80/$85 - if you want.
Social Media & Marketing
We are always working to build the network and the Golden Lotus opportunities in different countries, places and venues who are happy to host us. The openness of our brand, the contacts we have in our database and business, any works of publication, speaking, online content, or recording - the products, etc. all are working for you. You may be wholesaling the eggs and feel that having eggs in other centres is competition - but at the end of the day as brand awareness raises in any place, locally, it is you who becomes the reference point and practitioner for those enquiries and for the increase in demand. Everything we do here is for the brand and for the work to raise higher - so as you are affiliated with that, it’s going to affect you. It’s going to raise you higher, it’s going to provide more opportunities for you to grow in sisterhood, wealth, vitality, vibrancy, creativity and so on. The ability to centralise and understand that you are a part of a team is now a very strong element of what comes next so please try to remain active, open and abundant in relationship to all of our methods of getting the work out there and known.
App & Methods of Pay
The Golden Lotus app ( will allow you to connect your Stripe account, and will automatically seperate 20% of all payments into Golden Lotus’s account - sending the remainder of all payments right into your account. From this app you can generate and regulate your GoldenLotusDXB email, and you have the ability to do your own events, subscription models, etc. which we will automate emails from so that when women sign up to your course or 1:1 session, they will receive an email directly telling them all of the details. Everything going through the right portals to pay you, and this type of automation is a great convenience as business grows.
Right now, as we are STILL figuring out how to optimise this system, all I have is my g-sheets system. Using the G-Sheet system means you only pay Golden Lotus 15% as there is no additional processing and invoicing fees incurred. Please seem the “Events” topic below for more information on the practical elements of filling out your events sheets or using the App.
Diversifying Income Streams as a Practitioner
As a practitioner we wish to offer you a variety of ways to make diversifying your income stream and making money from your training a quantifiable, reliable reality. The following is a list of ways in which you can make moneys from your training:
1) Running Courses: The most obvious form of income you can make from your training is to fill and run classes locally.
2) Bodywork: Doing bodywork on local clients is another source of reliable income which can support your financial abundance.
3) Jade Egg Sales: Buying the jade eggs in as a wholesale item and doing talks on the jade egg, in order to sell these jade eggs is a very easy way to make money. As a wholesaler you will make around $35 per egg sold, and it is easy to gather women for free in a cafe, yoga studio front room, or your own living room to educate women on this product.
4) Working for Headquarters: As jobs open in your region, you are welcome to apply for the Events or other positions to contribute to the growth of Golden Lotus.
5) Retreats Priestess: It is possible to apply for a job as a Priestess in upcoming retreats. A Priestess at a retreat is a paid position, which gives you a basic stipend for your time, (usually around $100 a day) covers your flights, aa shared room, and food. (You can upgrade your flight and room for an additional cost of your own). You will be required/expected to teach morning practices, and hold space for participants and be available to set up the room and space when required. You may also be asked to host other modules and events as the retreat progresses. The Priestess position is actually a fair amount of work - not just a free retreat - and you will be required to sign a contract understanding the expectations around the position.
6) Commissioned Based Sales: In the future we will have the app working so that we can easily track commission based sales of the Golden Lotus online courses - this means that from one evening talk you could sell a series of eggs and online courses, without needing to rent rooms or fill classes your self. You could easily make up to $100 per woman in the room if people are interested in the products, and build yourself a strong following/demand/mailing list for an upcoming stand-alone weekend workshop, and bodywork clients, etc. The value from educating others truly is exponential, and is also in the spirit of service and sisterhood. I have found, when visiting places where I do not have the time or energy for a 3 evening intensive or 5 week course, that in one evening I can sell most people a jade egg and an online course - meaning that one free evening for them yields around $300 per person for me. If they book in for a session in those coming days then one free talk brings in almost $550 per person with whom the work resonates - and one short talk and a small weekend in one place overseas can diversify and grow our unique and committed community of dedicated and heartful sisters and women who are seeking to turn up for, and invest in, themselves.
Please download your Practitioner Contract below. Please fill & sign this contract and return this to us.
Golden Lotus Practitioner Contract PDF
There are two different ways to do your events in Golden Lotus. First of all when you understand that we are going to market for you, then you need to make sure that you have given us all of the information which we need to do that. We are happy to put the events up on our website, Facebook, and market and advertise for you on Instagram for all of your upcoming offers and courses. In order to make this process much easier for everyone, we have developed a form below, along with the Google Sheets template which you need to use for classes to ensure that all of your contractual requirements are met properly. To fill in the form with the dates and times of your events, go to the bottom of the page and “Make a Copy” of the tab, and fill in the details for your course, using the correct dates and information. If you are using the to generate your event link and portal, with the payments, just ensure your Stripe account is set up in order to receive your money - in this instance 20% will immediately go to us and you will be paid whatever is left over into your account. In the instance of the spread sheet, the payment is 15% plus transfer fees. We have multiple local currency accounts and options for transfer or payments which should suit you needs.