What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a the science of healing the bones - it is a form of manual therapy and bodywork which assists in releasing the body on a very subtle, and deep level, to allow the body to find it’s own homeostasis. The name Osteopathy is derived from the Latin for bone - osteo - and for illness or pain - pathy.
Despite the name, osteopathy covers so much more than just healing the bones; what it really looks at is the way in which the structure of our body governs the functional mechanism, and how by healing the structures - or reminding and encouraging the body how to heal and maintain it’s own homeostatis - we can heal all functional issues as well.
The power of osteopathy lies in it’s in multi-tiered approach of working with manual manipulation techniques to assist with the structure of the body - i.e. “mobilizing” the body - alongside deep listening to the underlying pulse and energy of the body. This technique of deep and sensitive listening to the viscera, bones, and structures to enhance the natural and underlying respiration of the body works with a principle called “motility”. Motility means listening to the micro-movements of the body, and providing space and remediation to encourage every part of the body to work at it’s best individually, and then altogether.
From a quick look, osteopathy can seem like a manual technique of bodywork which is fairly gross and simple, however the deeper into osteopathic principles one delves, the deeper into the esoteric and embryological beginnings of the body and it’s secret whispers one can immerse, and as such, osteopathy is an art which keeps giving for both clients and practitioners alike.