Blessing The Egg

The following is the Golden Lotus “Blessing the Egg” ceremony. This meditation forms a part of the original Level 1 content, and was channeled during a Golden Lotus Full Moon Ceremony, one Full Moon after Golden Lotus was born. Shortly after the meditation was channeled during the blessing ceremony, one of our participants wrote the following poem.

“My dear sisters,
My dear friends,
We are all women
We are all on the same way,
We are all full of love
Sisters from different mothers
Lets hold hands together
Finding inspiration,
Gathering our love
Lets find strength, To forgive each other,
For judgments and words, Harsh or abusive
As we are all there, In the universal cradle, Surrounded with enormous power to create
We are women
We are all mothers, sisters and daughters
My beautiful sisters
Let's stay tall
We are power
We are love
We are softness
Kindness and progress
Take my hand
Give me yours
We are bound for success”
- Dessi Kassab, for Golden Lotus

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blessing the egg

This channeling and prayer symbolises the commitment to the intentions of self-love, self-respect, and healing for all Beings as we walk on this awakening journey. Click below for an audio version of the Blessing Ceremony, and click here to read the blessing of the egg for yourself.

Inviting your own intentions into your practice

The “blessing of the egg” is a collective intention - it commits us to our path towards honouring ourselves as Women, as pieces of the Earth and the Earth herself. It invites us into being a luminary and a light in the dark, and connecting to the worldwide golden web - also known as the feminine Christ Consciousness - as illuminated beings. However, this practice is also deeply powerful to connect to your own intentions for manifestation and awakening. You can sit with your egg and charge her with some of your own intentions, which are most potent when you invite them into your deep Golden womb space - whether you have inserted the egg is inside, or not. Use the above practice to connect to the consciousness and the grid, and then spend time inside that activated space to place your own intentions for manifestation into the web, and allow the sisterhood, Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars to bring back to you the love which you have so bravely and fiercely given out.

Remember to record your intentions; write them down somewhere precious. Intentions can be set at any time, but you may wish to track them through Moon cycles; traditionally the New Moon has fertile seeding energy, and the Full Moon will illuminate and bring to light that which has been intended, and brought to fruition; the fruit borne from the seeds of intention we planted. You can also work with your menstrual moon cycles - learning and tracking your own rhythms. Many women find ovulation is a time to weave manifestations & reap manifested dreams, while bleeding releases that which no longer serves, and seeds new intentions.

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All Golden Lotus work is Full moon work

Golden Lotus, just like all mystical and esoteric practices, acknowledges that the moon plays a particularly important role in our lives. The new moon is a seeding time, and the full moon brings light to that which requires/desires illumination, and fruition - it sheds light, on that which has been seeded. Golden Lotus is Full Moon work; meaning that usually the presence of this work in your life will be revealed on a Full Moo. This work is also Priestess work, and often syncs women’s menstrual cycles to the “priestess” cycle or the Full Moon cycle. This is the cycle that the Priestess would use to menstruate so that they could benefit fully from the high energy of the Full Moon, and utilise the strong connection between their crown chakras and their open cervix, to assist the psychic states which bleeding and menstruation can bring about - versus the “fertility” cycle which uses the natural downward/outward flow energy of the New Moon to assist with menstruating, and the high energy of the Full Moon to assist with ovulation and conception.