Golden Lotus Birth Resources

✨ On May 6th we will be opening the doors for the first online Golden Lotus Postpartum Work. This 3 week, live journey through the Golden Lotus Postpartum Work places emphasis on learning about your own physiology and personal birth experience in a sacred and honouring way. The focus is specifically on the smooth transition to Motherhood or new stages of Motherhood - by shedding light on the postpartum experience, and inviting a renewed power and connection to your body and nervous system.

✨“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."
✨Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ✨

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What will I receive?

Online Birth Prep: Golden Lotus Online Temple

Documentary: Birth Into Being Documentary “Birth As We Know It”

Overall Birth Prep: Dr. Gowri “The Gentle Birth Method”

There are a series of book resources which are great - my favourite is from Dr. Gowri Motha. Her book “The Gentle Birth Method” outlines a lot of incredible birthing information which I find to be the most thorough and base a lot of my work on. There are so many books to read, about the placenta (Robin Lim’s book “The Forgotten Chakra is beautiful) or about ecstatic or orgasmic birthing, etc. but I think if you let me know what feels like the exact sort of birth preparation and resources you are looking for, I can help you more. 

I also am going to be part of Doula Thrive this year as you know - but also Sheila Kamara Hay’s birth practitioner training, and so I will send you a link to that at some stage when we put it out because you may find that to be a really beautiful set of resources for your career path & pregnancy, as you do function more at the level of a practitioner than just day to day pregnant Momma. I am going to send you a few more resources of online courses and modalities which I think will be helpful for you, as we progress - toward your second trimester - for now, I feel like there is lots just in this one email and this one call. 

Internal Work During Pregnancy 

To re-iterate regarding internal work - I mentioned STREAM which was developed/is taught by Kimberly Johnson of The Fourth Trimester, so perhaps go onto their website and see if you can find a practitioner near you or someone willing to do a Skype session who could give you some personal tips?

My favourite vaginal stretching exercises and regimen for birth is Dr. Gowri’s Gentle Birth Method - she’s got many amazing online videos available:

Internal Golden Lotus Work & The Temple

I want you to start doing some of the movement sequences I have on the Temple - try to do one module a week, and about 10 minutes at least of practice every day. 

What's really important for labour are the following concepts: 

1) You must focus on and learn to rotate your ribs, back of the shoulder blades, and solar plexus independently from your lower body. Big issues in labour come when women don't have an articulated upper body from their lower mesenteric diaphragms and then the baby gets a little stuck under the rib cage and tons of pressure builds up in the upper body which can generate nausea and heart/chest pain during labour. 

For that, I want you to do you the Kidney, Lung, and Heart practices. Anything like cat cow, rotating the sternum, or moving the chest independently from the lower body such as the upward stretches in the Heart practice.

2) Widen and open the hips - for this the best movements are in the Kidney (hip rotations, cat/cow) and the Liver practice. Liver practice has an enormous amount of hip widening and opening practices. In labour you want to have LOTS of positions in mind, in your body, in your experience so you can really choose the rotation, the dance, the position you want and need. Women dance their babies out, squat them out; birth is not a static motion. 

3) Open your jaw, get comfortable with big, big breaths - natural breaths - and releasing your JAW and THROAT and sound - lots of toning, sound, just whatever is coming out. Start exploring and releasing tensions you find TODAY, it will help you know how to do it, and have less build up, at the time of labour. Remember; open jaw, open pelvis. Open throat, open vagina. It is in the Spleen practice you will find everything about "as above, so below" - this is a really important concept for Birth. 

4) For so called "orgasmic birthing" experiences you need to be able to really release into states of energy... which means having NO inhibition about what your body is doing and fully, fully allowing. The most important thing is that you are allowed to MOVE the way you need to. In a birthing centre or hospital, if you are considered high risk they are going to want to hook you up to machines in all likelihood; but just prioritise that need to move, and communicate that clearly to them. 🙂 

5) For the final part I think it would be also very good to do the final 3 weeks of the Temple - the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gate pertaining to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. It will just familiarise you with lots of different breathing circles and patterns through the pelvic bones and ligaments specifically. The more you do the meditations and the practices, the deeper the results and the opening will be. ✨

This online course is delivered through 3 modules, week by week, with around 3.5 - 5.5 hours of content each week.
There will be 1 - 1.5 hour educational video, somatic movement practices, mediations, and practical tools and exercises for you to engage with. Alongside this you will receive downloadable images and resources which speak to the physiological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our postpartum body, and enhance our understanding and engagement with this magical period of time.

We will also provide a weekly Q&A video via email, where all questions from all participants that week will be answered. In a private Facebook group we will share, integrate, discuss and download our intimate experiences, expressions, sharing, and reflections from all of the content and exercises. 

This class is perfect for birth-workers, pregnant women anticipating and preparing for their fourth trimester, and mothers who have already traversed this postpartum period and wish to address issues which they feel may have stemmed from this period of time, or retroactively receive support and healing for anything they feel they left behind.

Birth As We Know It
✨1.5 Hour Video of Content of Weekly Topic ✨
✨3 Additional Relevant “Deep Dive” Educational Videos ✨
✨1 Download & Read Booklet: Information and Resources in a PDF form ✨
✨Additional Downloadable Resources: Recipe cards, meditations, images etc. ✨
✨Private Facebook sharing group ✨

Orgasmic Birthing
Debra Pascalli Bonaro

Ecstatic Birthing
Binnie Dansby
Ecstatic Birth: The Conscious Evolution of a Possibility to a Present Reality, Speech, Congress of International Society for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine
Kamara Hay
Ecstatic Birth: Nature’s Hormonal Blueprint for Labor.

Free Birthing

Spiritual Midwifery & Spiritual Birthing
Ina May Gaskin: Spiritual Midwifery
Jane Hardwick Collins: Ten Moons

✨Bodywork Practices
Dr. Gowri Motha: Gentle Birth Method
Source Breathwork for Pregnancy
Birth Into Being

“This set of classes moves through postpartum education and a deeply somatic and integrated take on what happens to your body, your mind and your being, as well as your partnership and relationship during birth, and in the postpartum period, and often for years afterwards.”
✨ Eva Louise Williams ✨

Birth Educators and Resources

Sarah Naia Soleil
… etc.

Dubai Based Birth Prep

Yoga: Nilaya House

Little Feather Collective: 

Belly Baby Mom :

Love Parenting UAE:

Julie Mallon: Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor, Doula and Sleep Consultant  (+971 56 115 6134)
Lala White: Prenatal Pregnancy Yoga, etc. Little Feather Collective (+971 52 817 9235)
Emily Marsh: Postpartum & Closing of the Bones ‎(+971 50 479 1440)
Suraya: Postpartum Massage (+971 52 441 7197)
Amy Voeghler: Midwife and owns "Love Parenting” (+971 50 329 8208)
Jasmine Collin: Prepares placentas (I believe?) and is very helpful on all things apparently - co-owns (+971 50 132 3669)
Britni Allen: Doula & Prenatal Prep (has a prenatal yoga course starting at Nilaya House on the 13th of March) 
Dina Ghandour: Doula, Massage & Yoga 


✨6 May - 13 May - 20 May ✨
6 May 2019: ✨The Vacuum of the Pelvis ✨
13 May 2019: ✨Emotional and Nervous System Integration ✨
20 May 2019: ✨Postpartum Sexual Healing for Mothers ✨

Time Commitments: 2 - 3 hours online per week / 9 hours over 3 weeks ✨
Location: All of the work will be completed online through the Golden Lotus Postpartum portal ✨

Registration closes on the New Moon 4th May 2019.

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✨module 1: The Vacuum of the pelvis

The first module covers “The Vacuum of the Pelvis”; we look at the process of change with a mother’s body goes through during the 3 trimesters - and what occurs physiologically and on the fascial level as a continuum; before and after birth.
We explore healing the physical body, recovering the emotional body, and the elegant solutions found in mothering your new born child while simultaneously nurturing yourself as a new born mother. In this module we cover how breastfeeding, lactation, touch, holding, and the hormones and process of bonding facilitate the healing of your own body and self. We also provide aids on how to generate a good support guide, and care for postpartum wounds and integrating your birth experience, on all levels.

✨module 2: Emotional and Nervous System Healing

Emotional and Nervous System Healing after birth; Let’s talk about taking care of your body, your body-mind, and integrating the birthing experience a little further down the track. How do we track our integration? How do we deal with trauma that perhaps we don’t have a context for? This module is all about practical skills for scar remediation, for healing, and understanding the change and expansion of Self which happens uniquely after the experience of birth. We will call this managing the “come down” - coming back to every day life, and continuing to healthily receive and integrate support in your daily life.

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✨module 3: Postpartum Sexual Healing for Mothers

Postpartum Sexual Healing for Mothers and Partners; this module has a focus on drawing out desire and healing, reintroducing, and redefining sexuality postpartum. We look at how to slowly introduce desire and the erotic (the woman) from the mothering experience; a look at reuniting and redefining sexuality for yourself (initially), and then with your partner. We have a focus on understanding the evolution of how we define and experience sexuality and intimacy postpartum - which changes vastly after the birth and mothering experience. We explore common issues in sexual desire, partnerships, and more, and offer practical solutions - emotional and physical - to traverse, map, and rebuild or reignite this side of yourself.